Friday, August 13, 2010

Tate's Halloween Sale!!!!

never to early to advertise.....

i got the chance to put together this years flyer for Tate's Comics Halloween Sale.... its gonna be sooooo much fun, the theme is 80's movies.... awesome!!!!... check it out, see if you can recognize all the characters to see if i pulled it off... enjoy!

Tates Halloween Sale Flyer 2010


  1. I want say I see...

    1) Slimmer - from Ghost Busters
    2) Lisa - from Weird Science
    3) Lando Carissian - from The Empire Strikes Back
    4) Snake Plissken - from Escape From New York
    5) Gizmo - from Gremlins
    6) Carl Spackler - from Caddyshack
    7) Sara Anderson - from Adventures in Babysitting

    ... I think.

    Awesome flyer/poster by the way.

  2. Thanks.... and you got them all right but one.... its not lisa from weird science... its zuul "the gatekeeper" from ghostbusters....

    i figured that one might have a little trouble getting, thats why i put slimer there, to help out... lol

  3. Doh, I was going to say Zuul, but something told me that would be too easy.


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